Sunday, September 27, 2009

my amazing body

My two-year cancer-versary approaches. Chemo ended the week before Thanksgiving, 2007.

There are things with my body that still aren't right. There is muscle strength and endurance that, despite training with a trainer for well over a year, I haven't yet been able to regain. (I will get there, it's just taking an awfully long time.)

But this morning, I had the opportunity again to say F-you to cancer, to chemo, to radiation. I completed my second sprint triathlon :)

My body might not be right yet, or right ever, but I am going to use it and push it and take advantage of having it every day.

Also in the exercise realm, I just started the process to become a certified personal trainer. A far-off goal I have is to start a program for cancer survivors who want to start to get their bodies back (regardless of what shape their body was in before treatment or what shape treatment left it in). It's a ways off for now.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

blood test results

I went the other day to get blood tests done, one of the things to do from my doc's appointment. I was supposed to go on a specific day in my cycle, which is why I waited so long.

So I went with orders for three tests, plus my orders for my oncologist, since I'm seeing him soon enough. Lots of vials.

I got a message from the doc's office yesterday: "You are not menopausal."

Now, early menopause was a possible side effect of chemo, but if that was going to happen, it would have happened a long time ago. Given that I'm still having regular periods and so on, I had assumed I wasn't menopausal.

I'm a bit disappointed that that's all I found out from those tests. Hm.

Well, I have an ob-gyn who the doc recommended I go see, which I will do shortly. See what she has to say.