Monday, January 21, 2008

I'm DONE!!!

I have officially completed my treatment for Hodgkins!!!

Both techs gave me a big hug this morning before I left, which was sweet :)

I cried tears of joy and relief on the way out.

It's funny - in some ways, I'm feeling like it will be nice to have my life back. In other ways, I feel like I've mostly had my life back since chemo ended, and the rest of what's been going on has just been sewn into my days. Getting up so early was certainly not fun, but there are WAY worse things that could have been necessary.

In any case, all I have now are follow-up appointments and periodic scans. I have an appointment with the oncologist in two weeks, one with the radiologist in a month, then I'll only see one of them on a monthly basis (probably the oncologist, or rotating).

Life is good.

And with that, there is much more to be done today. Hooray for 3-day weekends :)

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